If you’re like most people, the sight of brake fluid brings to mind one thing: a necessary evil.
No one likes flushing their brake lines, but it’s something that must be done from time to time in order to keep your car stopping on a dime. But what if you could get all the air out of your brake lines without having to bleed them? It might sound too good to be true, but there are a few methods you can use to do just that! Keep reading for more information.
Furthermore, we will be discussing the importance of bleeding and the symptoms you’ll see if air gets in your brake lines.

What Does it Mean by Air in Brake Line?
Air won’t easily get into your braking system if you’re driving a new and modern car. However, with time it is normal for air to slowly get into the brake lines. As the pads of your braking system start to wear out, this issue usually arises. Because brake calipers need to maintain a certain uniform distance, they extend when the pads start to wear. Along with them, the hydraulic pistons are required to extend as well. Due to this extension, a void is formed in the hydraulic system.
As time goes by your system needs more brake fluid, but usually, people don’t notice when the brake fluid is low. Hence, the air gets into the braking system as the pads extend.
Air in Brake Line Symptoms
The braking system is a very important component of any vehicle, and having air in the brake lines can hamper it. Thus, you should be aware of the symptoms of having air in brake lines. There are a few symptoms of having air in the brake line, and all of them are easily recognizable.
Brake Pedal Feels Spongy
Usually, when you put your foot down on the brake pedal, you will feel the pedal goes down quickly. However, when there is air in the braking system, the brake pedal will feel spongy when you press down in it. The spongy brake is easily detectable and is one of the primary symptoms of having air in brake lines.
Brakes Do Not Work Properly
When the air gets into your braking system, and you notice that the pedals feel soft and spongy, you’ll also see that the brakes get a bit ineffective. In some cases, this symptom can be slightly difficult to detect. If you see that the performance of your braking system has become significantly poor, you shouldn’t drive your vehicle for your safety.
Brake Pedal Becomes Loose
Brake pedals usually have a firm feeling as you press down on them. However, when air is in your brake line, the pedals will become loose as well as soft. It is unlikely for brake pedals to touch the car floor when you press them, but when they’re loose, you’ll see they go very low.
Required Tools for the Process
To remove the air out of your brake line, you will need a few things by your hands, and we’re certain you have all of them or can at least find them easily.
- Some rags
- Paper towels
- A plastic hose
- Brake Fluid
- Plunger Handles
- A large container
Even after having all the items in this list and knowing the process well, it can be tough to do it alone, especially when you’re working with WRX brake pads. So, if you can, find someone to help you out with this job.
How to Get the Air Out of Brake Lines Without Bleeding: Step-by-Step guide
In this section, we’ll be showing you how to remove the air out of your brake lines with just 6 easy steps!
Step 1: Locate the Bleeder, and elevate the vehicle
Below the braking system, you will find a screw and hose that will be effective to bleed the brake line. Elevate your vehicle so you can work on the brake lines easily, and cover the vehicle with a cloth, so it doesn’t get stained from the brake fluid.
Step 2: Insert the Plastic Hose into the Bleeder
Take your plastic hose and stick one end of it into a container and the other into the bleeder screw. Then, fill up the container completely with new brake fluid. It will be easy for you if you use a flexible hose, so you can position the container however you want.
Step 3: Press Down on the Brakes
After positioning the hose, tell someone to step on the brake pedals. Tell them when to step on the brakes. After a few times they’ve pressed down the pedals, ask them to press down on it again. When the brake pedal is pressed, you will have to unscrew the bleeder screw. Once you have done that, the air will start to come out of the brake lines, and you’ll notice bubbles being formed in the container filled with brake fluid.
Keep on pressing down on the pedals until the air stops coming out, and that is when you know that all the air is out of the brake lines.
Step 4: Fill the Braking System with New Brake Fluid
Once you’re done bleeding the brake lines from the first wheel, you will have to pour in new brake fluid into the braking system. Open the can of the master cylinder, and change the old brake fluid with a container of a new one.
Step 5: Repeat the Process for All the Wheels
You have to repeat the procedure thrice for each wheel. Once you’re done with 1 wheel, you have to do the same for the other 3 wheels as well.
Step 6: Take Your Car for a Spin to Test the Brakes
After you’re certain that all the air is out of the brake lines, clean up your car with rags and paper towels. Finally, take your vehicle on a test drive to see if the brakes are working the way they should.
Why Do Brake Lines Need to be Bled?
If you don’t bleed your brake lines then you will encounter some issues which concern your safety and the safety of the passengers of your car.
Since brakes become ineffective when air gets drawn into the brake line, your stopping distance will become much longer. This can be very risky because when you brake, it’ll take you a while to stop, and you may get into an accident.
Additionally, if you don’t bleed your brake lines the brake fluid will become very old and contaminated. If you leave this contaminated brake fluid in for too long, the life of your braking system will be substantially reduced.
1. Do you need to bleed all 4 brake lines?
It is best to bleed all 4 of your brake lines, but you may bleed independent ones individually.
2. Should the master-cylinder cap be on or off during bleeding?
When brake lines are being bled, the cap of the master cylinder must be off.
3. Why do my brakes still feel soft after bleeding?
If your brakes still feel soft or spongy after you have bled the brake lines, it means that you haven’t done the job properly, and there’s still air in the brake line.
4. Should my Engine be off or on when the bleeding brake lines?
Keep your engine off when you are bleeding your brake line. Otherwise, there will be a vacuum boost provided to the braking system, which will create problems during bleeding.
Final Words
Having a firm and effective brakes is vital for a good riding experience and the safety of the vehicle passengers. Hence, you should remove air from your brake lines as soon as you recognize the symptoms. The process is lengthy, but following our guide on how to get air out of brake lines without bleeding is guaranteed to make your life easier.